Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today's Thots

It has been a rather busy few months with me -- expected with the little baby and with toddler Ali. There are not many free moments for myself especially when I want to sit down and put my thoughts down. This is a rare moment for me (to be able to sit down and pen a few words here) and most likely this post would only be complete hours later!

It is funny how being a mum has changed me. Not only me personally but also my outlook in life and views on relevant issues. I don't think I am entirely a different person but as your priorities change it is hard for everything else not to follow suit.

Khadijah is 2 and half months and such a beautiful baby. She definitely has a mind of her own and it is funny that at such a young age she can dictate what you should be doing! She has refused to taking the bottle. We have been tryin for almost a month now but it is still a no-no for her. She just refuses to suckle the teat and the maid has resorted to spoon feeding her the milk lest she goes hungry.

You know what that means rite? Yup! We have to take her to Europe with us come September. In a way this makes me feel much better too as I can't really bear the thought of leaving her behind. I know I would probably not enjoy the holiday as much worrying about how she is doing at home and how the maid is coping. So best to bring my little baby along and put all my worries at bay.

Am sure there will be a time when Bob and I can enjoy a holiday just the two of us. See what I mean about priorities and outlook in life? Hahahaha .... InsyaAllah, we will have a long life together and will be able to live out our fantasies of travelling every inch of this great earth together.

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