Thursday, April 16, 2009


In many ways you become a tourist when you for your umrah or Haj but of course the Arabs don't think about how to make facilities and amenities more tourist friendly cause say what you want, you have to go there anyway! Hmmm ... thought to ponder.

During our trip we manage to get quite a bit of the historical sights such as Gua Hiraq and Bukit Uhud etc. We even got to see camels and Najihah even went up on one of them, willingly too!

This was taken in Hudaibiyah just out of Mekah. We had the chance to drink camel's milk and some of the others even brought bottles home. I didn't try it. Didn't feel like it but they say it doesn't taste like anything different. Still! A lot of history behind camel's milk. It was what our good prophet relied on alone when he was in the desert for days on end. Did you know that camels store food in their humps that is how they survive in the heat and the barren land.

This was taken just out of Mekah. You can see Gua Hiraq at the back. That is where the Quran was first sent to our good prophet through the Angel Jibrail. It was very hot here. That is my mom in law, sis in law, Najihah and Ali. Nadiah didn't make it as she was down with a fever. She was put for two days! Poor thing...

This was in Medinah -- Bukit Uhud. A war was fought here but the Muslims lost as there was no unity among them the story goes. This was also where Hamzah's heart was eaten by that woman, forgot her name lah.
From Medinah to Mekah, we stopped at a restaurant along the highway and they served us this rice pilaf kinda dish with chicken and fried fish. It was really delicious. The rice was soft and fluffy. They serve it with onions as salad and big green chillies which is really HOT!

Actually we did a lot of eating there. I put on some around my waist too! More pictures to come ...

1 comment:

nadia said...

Assalamu Alaikum, Sis. This is my first time here. Looks like you and your family had a very nice time, MashaAllah. Please do write more about your experience in Makkah.

My family and I are leaving for Umrah this Thursday, April 23, InshaAllah. Was it too crowded during this time of the year?