Sunday, June 27, 2010

Khadijah -- 48 days old

Khadijah is 48 days old today and she seems to have adjusted well to her surroundings. She seems older than she is if you ask me which can be a little scary depending on which way you look at it.

For one when she was born she immediately opened her eyes and had them open for quite awhile too. This is somewhat unusual because generally babies have them close for a few days or hours. Ali didn't open his eyes immediately.

I also think she can see quite a distance already as she gargles baby talk when you look at her. This is also her favourite position. She doesn't really like being held the usual way with her head in the crook of your hand. I want to see the world is her favourite position.

Khadijah can stay on her own for a few minutes as she amuses herself with the surroundings. She saw me walking past her in this pix and started oooing and aahhing away. Her eyes followed me steadily too.
She can smile when you talk to her sometimes. I think she has a dimple on her left cheek but am not too sure yet. Hope can tell soon when she cam smile more.

Babies can be such a joy. I can spend hours just looking at her. My bundle of joy. She looks a little like Ali here and also like her father. The face is still changing, guess we just have to wait and see who she will take after.
This was her eyes following me when I walked past. After this the cries got a little louder probably saying pick me up lah, been down here long enough. The kids love her and even Ali although there are times the streaks of jealousy comes out and he starts lashing out to try to hurt her. Probably just his way of seeking your attention cause he knows he is not supposed to "touch" her. Oh well! Sibling rivalry lasts a long time.

1 comment:

anis said...

she is sooo cute! i think she looks like the father, eh no like u lah, eerr no lah like her father..ok ok, we wait another 48 days ye, eee geramnyaa tengok pipi tu!