Thursday, September 3, 2009

Doing Well

It has been a rather hectic week since school started but am glad for the busy schedule cause time flies by faster. From the time I get up for sahur till it's time for break fast, time is like a whirlwind.

Am very proud of my two girls cause they have not missed a day yet of the Ramadhan. Of course the first few days were harder but by the 13th day today, they have more or less gotten used to it. I suppose this is made easier by the fact they had the school holidays to start fasting.

I was a bit worried when school started on Tuesday that they would not be able to take it but so far so good. Of course there are desperate cries of I am so hungry and oh so thirsty but they have not broken half day or anything.

The school week these past two months is short too! A week before the school holidays last month, school closed for a week due to cases of H1N1 which means the girls had 2 weeks off. This Monday is a public holiday and it will continue to Thursday because of the UPSR exams.
Than it would be a week of school only before the one week Hari Raya Aidil Fitri break.

The good thing about all these breaks is that the girls can fast easily without too many cries of hunger and thirst as they will not be too tired from school. Must also say that God has blessed us with cool weather so far this Ramadhan, making it easier on his Ummah!

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