Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Datukship and such

It was on the front page blurp on Saturday and since then his name has been on the tip of almost everyone's tongue. Yup, Shah Rukh Khan, the King of Bollywood, received a Datukship from Malacca. Why? Cause he shot some movie there in 2001 and since then Malacca has been blessed with so many tourists.

Yes, I like Shah Rukh Khan and I will try to argue this objectively (?????) So many people are asking why him and why he deserves it. For that matter, some argue that Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones as well as Jodie Foster should be given awards.

If I remember right, when Sean and Catherine shot Entrapment here, the then Culture, Arts and Tourism Minister Datuk Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir had complained that the movie showed the bad side of town, ie Petaling Street. Those scenes were not favourable and made the streets look dirty. The "hotel" they were staying at in those scenes were also not the 5 star ones but the rumah tumpangan types and they caused a stir. It was even debated in Parliament. Remember? So why do you want to give them a datukship since you didn't like the scenes they showed anyway???

As for Jodie Foster, what movie did she shoot here? I thought it was that King of Siam one which was shot in Thailand wasn't it? Forgive me if me memory fails me.
Now we have the local artistes creating a fuss. Upset I guess cause some of them haven't got a datukship yet. Well, what can I say? Maybe you haven't done enough for your country but then again, we can buy a datuk-ship now right. Some time ago, last year I think, some women my friends and I know got a datukship from Pahang. Every one of us asked why cause she hasn't done anything for the country. Hmmmmm....

So, let's see, what has SRK done for the country? He shot Don here and made Malaysia look great didn't he? Better than how it looked in Entrapment anyways. Which is why no Ministry complained. And Bollywood movies are watched everywhere in the world, it has a global audience. I don't think Mami Jarum 1 or 2 is watched in Norway! And neither is Cinta no matter how many local awards it has won and neither is some drama which is aired on Tv1 or Tv3 in Munich.

He is the King of Bollywood isnt't he? The highest paid (I think) Hindi actor and most popular in the world. He even has a model of himself at Madame Thusauds in London. I don't see them rushing to put Azean Indrawarty there or even Tan Sri P Ramlee. Which means Bollywood actors are bigger than Malaysian artistes. Maybe they should put Datuk Siti Nurhaliza there ... point to ponder. She already has a datukship so I guess that is not an issue rite!

Now, with all these in mind, what is wrong then with giving SRK a datukship? Big deal lah people, let it be lah. Besides we don't know pun how long the TYT of Malacca will be in power. If it makes him happy, biar lah. If you all so desperately want one, go and buy lah. Or rub shoulders and cheeks with some Minister like what that women friend did. Why don't we worry or squabble about more worldly issues like our friends and relatives in Singapore who may be out of a job soon due to the financial crisis or jump on the bandwagon and wonder who will be our next Prime Minister.

After all, these titles Datuk ke Tan Sri ke are only in this world. When you die, it doesn't mean anything to God.


Anonymous said...

Aiiiiks way to go Yati! if SRK is a Datuk then Gowri is a Datin. Eh some people wait sampai kedut baru nak dapat Datin taw. Hahahahaha

Matapena said...

Ha ha ha! Good try Yat... but... NOT GOOD ENOUGH! :P

quoi? said...

very true. because its all a lame Malay royalty attempt to copy the "Dukes" and "Dutchesses", "Earls" and "Counts" isn't it, to appease the commoner so they can stay in power?.. ermm.. hey, pretty much like the why the King of England came up with it, too! and look where THAT got him.

at least their royalty are honest, in the sense they don't pretend to be defenders of the Faith, then buat bukan2.

arrrrgghhhh!!! ..

Sundaelicious said...

Am so glad you both agree with me unlike Matapena who is so convinced that he did not deserve it. In my eye, whether he deserves it or not, not important lah. Half of these people who get it don't all deserve it anyways!