Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dec 4 2008

Ali turns 17 months today. What he has learnt today? He can wave bye and know what it means. He has also started right now as I type, to jump up and down from the couch. I have padded the entire area with cushions so he won't hurt his head.

Life with Ali has been very eventful. There is never a dull moment for me, and I think for all in the household, either. He has started walking very fast, almost a half run at times. Letting him walk loose is a big mistake. Just a few months ago at Subang Parade we let him out of the stroller. Not once did he look back to see where you are. He just walked on and on greeting anyone he fancied and going where his little feet take him.

As for words, rather limited vocabulary still. He can say mama really nicely now. His first word was ayah you see, which was a bit of a disappointment to me. What else can he say...? Well milk, nak, he can shake his head tak nak too. He can also say sejadah as he lays it out and bows his head in prayer. He can say bak for almost anything he wants to do or have. He has also started imitating the cat ad dog sounds. He likes looking at the birds fly by too.

I know that before I know it Ali will be 2 years old. Time just flies by so fast. Soon I will be asking you where shall I send him for school. I still take him to KidSports once a week for his play classes. He really enjoys it! He has so much energy. Last week someone in the class asked me does he ever keep still. Hahahaha! A real adventurer he is .. I don't think he knows the meaning of keep still at all lah!

How are the girls taking to Ali? Well, just fine unless they have all their toys laid out in the room. Then Ali is forbidden to come anywhere near their door. He has, I think, started to call his sisters but it isn't very clear. Sounds somewhat like Najihah and Nadiah. He also seems to know what makes them tick.

The three also love to hug each other I noticed. I must say that they are very loving with each other. I hope that will keep up till they are older. Oh yes! Ali also seems to pick fights with Nadiah very well which kinda tickles me since he is still so young.
Ali has also travelled quite a bit in his young age. Let me see ... he has been to Krabi, Thailand and Bandung, Indonesia already. Not counting all the trips to Bukit Mertajam lah. Cherating and Janda Baik too. Not bad eh?
I hope Ali wil go up to love travel. And books. And be a healthy boy and eater. And to love his family. Amin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is adorable auntie