Monday, January 5, 2009

First Day of School

Today is eventful for many of us, what more for parents who have kids going into Std One today. Even more so for parents who have been enjoying the school holidays to the max. Me included! After one and a half months of blissful rest, the chaos has begun again!

My eldest Najihah is in Std 3 this year in the morning session while Nadiah is in Std 2 in the afternon session. YUP! Looks like I am without a doubt a full time bus driver. The morning started early for me at 6am getting her up and ready for school. Thank god Najihah is a morning person so there was not much problem getting her out of bed.

We arrived in school on time and unlike the first day of school in Std 1, I didn't cry when sending her off at the gate. In fact, I was relieved. Yes! A few hours of rest without her at home. Hahahaha...makes me sound like a bad mother but honestly, you who have kids would understand completely. It is just too bad that Nadiah is in a different session. Because when the two were in the same session last year, it was really dead quiet at home. Ali and had a fine time together .. in some hours of peace.

This year also I would have to send them for KAFA classes in different sessions. One in the morning and one in the evening. Between all this juggling of time tables, where do I fit in my quick lunch or tea with my friends?!? I say man ... Let us see how we settle in during this first week and then I can judge my schedule. But I know for a fact that I will have less time for ME. Oh well ...

I also have to ask their tuition teacher to come in at night now. I initially wanted to give thm seperate classes in the morning and evening but the cost would be double for us. In this bad economic times, so bad that the Government can't replace the aging Nuri with Eurocopter's EC 725 now, we really have to be careful with our spending. I myself have splurged enough for 2008 and this year I really, really, really have to watch my spending. I am trying my best to "fast" from all unnecessary spending. God help me!

I have to be quick about writing this post because I have to pick Nadiah up from school. Although she finishes at 6.30pm, I have to leave the house a little early to beat the jam as well as get a parking space. Picking Najihah up just now was quite a hassle. I sent Nadiah then had to look for a place to park the car. That was not easy but maybe it will be easier tomorrow as the Std 1 parents will not be hanging out outside the school gates.

All in all ... it is nice to have them back in school. At least I don't have to worry with how will I entertain them today!

Hope the rest of you are having a good first day back at school. Aren't you so looking forward to that one week break in March. AHAKS!!


Anonymous said...

Oo boy, I can't agree more. Btw, this year, kids (mine especially) will have less ponteng days due to the adjustments made to the 2009 session. final term exams will be held a week before the final holiday and classes will go on till the 3rd week of Nov.

My kids are already complaining!!

Anonymous said...

auntie, the first hols is at the end of jan - one week for chinese new year..yahoooooo

Sundaelicious said...

I am really lucky cause usually the girls will get a little more than a week off it being a Chinese school and all. The only thing is their exams will usually be done befor the CNY break

Anonymous said...

exams after just a few weeks in school?! my goodness, no wonder people say chinese schools are tough