Friday, July 10, 2009

Gifts for Hari Raya

Hari Raya is coming soon, not so soon you will say but time flies by so fast these days. It will creep up on you before you know it.

I will be selling hampers this festive season and here are some samples for you to consider. The concept this year is traditional as well as modern and there are many variations you can choose from.

Sample 1:

One big tin of biscuits: choice of traditional Kuih Bakar or any modern cookies
One small tin of Kek Lapis
Handmade Syawal card
Price: RM180.00

Terms and condition:
* 50 percent deposit upon order
* Delivery charges: RM30.00 per item (50% discount for orders more than ten)

Sample 2:

This basket is simple and yet packed with goodies:
One box of Patchi Biscuits
One medium size jar of Acar Buah
One medium size jar of Muruku or Almond
One Sejadah or one Small Plant
Handmade Syawal/Ramadhan card
Price: RM380

Sample 3:

Let them know you’re thinking of them with one of our finest collections of home cook delicacies:
One medium jar of Acar Buah
One medium jar of Muruku
One medium of Almond Nuts or Chocolates
4 different design of Classic Serviettes
Handmade Ramadhan/Syawal card
Price: RM260

Sample 4:

This is a perfect choice for the traditional look. A wooden box cover with intricate carvings tops a mengkuang box. It comes in two sizes.

Big box contains:
Telekung & Sejadah
Handmade Ramadhan card
Price: RM380

Small box contains:
Dates or Chocolate covered dates
Handmade Ramadhan card
Price: RM180

Sample 5:

There’s no such thing as too much chocolate!

Double tier Patchi Chocolates and/or Bateel Dates.
Handmade Syawal card
Price: RM790.00

Terms and condition:
* 50 percent deposit upon order
* Free delivery

Feel free to give me a buzz if you would like to purchase these hampers. Thank you

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