Friday, July 3, 2009

Slow Week

I have been going through a writer's block and blank thoughts phase this whole week. Nothing has been coming out of the I-must-express-this corner of my brain. Even my FB status's has been rather ... boring. In fact this whole week I have felt that ... bored. Actually I believe it's part of the PMS. Been totally out of it this entire week.

Tomorrow is a big day for all of us. One because Nadiah is taking part for the first time in sports day. Even Najihah has not done so before. So my first child to take part on sports day. Sports day for the girls' school is not like what it was during my school days where everyone participated. For Lick Hung only selected kids take part. Maybe they feel its better time management or something. It will build school spirit and camaraderie no? Guess no lah ...

It is also Ali's 2nd birthday tomorrow. We thought of bringing Ali for a bus ride but now since we have sports day, maybe no need lah. No big event or anything tomorrow, he is only 2 and what does he know anyway about birthdays. Besides, he's a boy rite, they don't need big party dos. I think ...

So hope you had a good week and have a great weekend.

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