The other two birthday parties was on Sunday and I don't have any pictures of those unfortunately. One was in the morning at KFC in Shah Alam and the other one was at Sime Darby Convention Centre. The second one was a real show mind you.
Some parents really go all and are so lavish with their children. The birthday boy was only 3 but my oh my ..... what a show. Sometimes you wonder if it's for the parents or for the children. I believe all should be done in moderation. One shouldn't be too extravagant lah. Unless you look at it like a kenduri for your friends and the birthday is a by the way thingy.
But still, the child will grow up with certain expectations. Know what I mean! Short of me calling them spoilt! Indeed our kids these days are really lucky. They get everything on a silver platter. My husband always tells me what a different kind of life he had when he was growing up and how lucky our kids are to be so used to the good life. They do not know hardships at all. There is some good and some bad there. Chances are parents who didn't have it as a child want their kids to have it now. It usually works that way.
I have decided to stop having birthday parties for my kids. The last was Najihah's at 8 and Nadiah at 7 too. I said birthday parties are kiddie things and it is more special to have a little dinner to celebrate with the family. I am hoping they will learn more positive elements this way. As for Ali, I don't think I will hold a birthday so soon for him.
Yesterday's birthday boy had a whole ballroom and the outside concourse rented out. It was filled with balloons and activities for the kids. Fun nevertheless but I think a little too extravagant for my taste. As my husband always says, we have to be a little bit more far sighted....