Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Maid and the *(^*&^*&

I had a second maid. She was with us for one and a half years. She irritated me. She worked mostly at Bob's office which means she only came home at about 4pm or so. Only then I would see her and she would supposedly help with the house work. I never really liked her since she first came.

From day one her husband creared problems for her. He kept on bugging her, calling her, making her life difficult. Made my life difficult too cause he started to bug me. Sending me smses, calling me in the middle of the night to talk to her.Psycho!

Well now she has gone back. She didn't finish her contract cause her husband was giving her a hard time. No reason was given why she had to stop work but I suspect husband was threathening her with divorce. Why let her come in the first place. DUH!

Before she left I gave her last pay and she said I didn't pay her for one of those past months. I checked my books and said no, she must have been mistaken. Oh ya and since she wanted to quit before her contract expired, she had to pay for her own ticket back. About RM275 so we deducted it from her pay. By right, I should have asked her to compensate for lost months. As it is her permit alone is RM675.

Today her husband smsed me asking why I made her pay for her own ticket and accused me of not giving her that one month salary. For the record he has been trying to call me but I have not picked up the phone. He is an ASS! I have spoken to him in those initial months and he is an ASS!

I got very angry when he sent that sms this evening. I bet she didn't tell him that Bob gave her RM300 for her 3 kids. I bet she didn't tell him about the phone bills that I had to pay when he first started giving her a hard time those initial months. And I bet she didn't tell him that she had to pay access baggage of RM300.

The audacity of some people. I told my maid what happened so she will be aware of the situation in case he (the ASS) decides to call her and badger her about it.

And I thought I got rid of her!


Matapena said...

That's One Ass to rule them all. Maid's husbands are always like that, don't they? Bagi pening je.

Sundaelicious said...

geram tau! I am waiting for another sms. Of course I choose to ignore but oh the sakit hati nak menjawab macam-macam. Dahlah when she was here she was angau and distracted all the time

Anonymous said...

maids, can't live with them, can't live without them. hmmm, actually cann...

quoi? said...

au-da-city. odesity konon.. LOL sigh.. :) eh mek, bila nak catch up? gimme a time window coz your the one with kids. and maids.. LOL!!! hee hee! don't angry :)

Sundaelicious said...

ye lah ...wait until you have kids!

quoi? said...

the plan is for me to complete my doctorate in the next 3 years, at least 12 months of which will be spent in somewhat highly volatile zones; after which when i get back my wife will have missed/worried/fretted over me so much she'll JUMP!! on my bones, and we'll make babies for the next couple of years after that. after that? hmmm... grow my hair long, teach at a campus, cycle to class. all this, of course, will have to be by default outside of our beloved Msia, coz, you know, grown men are not supposed to have long hair and all.. :)

catch up soon!