Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Isn't this Beautiful

I had a wonderful feeling when I looked at this picture this morning in The Star. Isn't it just gorgeous?

It was not such a good story, about how the heavy snowfall has closed airports, offices and schools in London while France and Spain have also been hit by snow storms. I think there were even deaths reported. Sad news yes ...

But the picture took my breath away. I love Paris and would love to go there again. I think that was in one of my entries. Can you imagine Paris in winter, like this picture? Ah ... am sure it would be terribly cold but having hot chocolate at the cafe, walking around with flurries all around you, making snow angels infront of the Eifel Tower, walking hand in hand, kissing in the snow ... sigh ...

My wish for today, to be in Paris ...(keeping my fingers crossed here!)


Anonymous said...

cantik! but my friends over there complaining pulak. InsyAllah this year, me will visit Paris in Dec & see if what I heard about Paris toilets not so clean & Parisian loitering habit as claimed by some r actually true..can't wait!

Sundaelicious said...

cold pun cold lah Anis but doesn't it just look so gorgeous. I have put the pix up as my wallpaper. Looking at it gives me a very warm feeling, despite knowing how cold it is.

Paris in Dec? Peak of winter ...!!!! Wish I could go too