Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My SIM Card Died!

My SIM card died. Sounds wierd I know but really it did. I thought it was the networks down but I switched the phone on and off and it still couldn't find service. I even tried the SIM card on another phone just to make sure it was not the phone at fault. Still couldn't.

So called MAXIS, I repeat ... MAXIS, and know what they said. I can't get over this. The SIM card is dead, sometimes that happens. It just stops working.

HUH? Please come in and get a new SIM card. Oh!!

Technology at its best eh ... after all, it is just a phone and SIM card right. What can I say. It is such an inconvenience, now I have to find the time to go to MAXIS and get this fixed quick. Don't I!!! Can I ask for compensation you think? Ya rite! MAXIS nak compensate ....

Not sure what to say now about it. Not even sure I know what to write anymore.

My friends are also so amazed and asking me when is the funeral. A friend even said it should be cremated. I said cannot lah, Muslims don't cremate. He answered sorry cause he thot' the SIM card was a Hindu like its Big Boss. *ROTFL*

It's a good laugh for today yes ...


Anonymous said...

My other half's Celcom sim also kembali ke rahmatullahi last 2 months, and imagine having to drive all the way from Sepang to KL to get a replacement. So much for that Celcom Territory thing!

Sundaelicious said...

Ebi had asked me to switch to Celcom. HAH! not any better

Matapena said...

Celcom has better coverage, and I have no complaints. Better a TM / gomen GLC rather than the AK crap! Maxis is a PRIVATE company now, remember. Where's your sense of loyalty??? :P