Thursday, July 10, 2008



This is my debut to the world of blogging. My friends, well, actually only one in particular, has always been bugging me to start my own blog. I was quite happy with expressing myself via Facebook but he said it ain't enough. So, here it first attempt. Don't know how long this will last and hopefully I can keep it up!


Matapena said...

Hello woman! Welcome to the world of blogging! I know you can do better than this so post some more stuff ok! Write about everything...

Sundaelicious said...

Tak bagi chance langsung...sabar....!

Matapena said...

Can never be sabar. By the way I have posted your blog in mine. So...

Added a tracking counter dah?

quoi? said...

ahemmm.... testing. testing..

madam sundayidon'tknowhowtospellthat,

whilst i am all for gender equality having, in fact, fought for it as well, may i kindly state that the phrase "now let's see if i can keep it up" is reserved, strictly and i do very rightly mean strictly, a domain of the male.

thank you madame yourhighness,

Matapena said...

Skinny man, how I agree with you! Ha ha ha!

Sundaelicious said...


Skinny and MP, no comments thus far. MEN after all are full of it!