Friday, July 25, 2008

My children

Children grow up so fast and before you know it you will be attending their graduation, then planning for their weddings and then going to visit your grandchildren! Yikes...will really feel old then huh!

It is very important to cherish every moment that you have because as they great saying goes, that moment will pass very fast and you will never have it again.

From left: Najihah, Ali and Nadiah

My sister took a very nice picture of my three children last week. It is not perfect in the sense they are all looking into the camera smiling but it shows their characters oh so well! You judge for yourself and for those of you who know them, you are bound to agree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very soon, you dah ada anak dara....god, they r growing so fast! I rasa baru aje tengok Najihah baby...
