Thursday, July 17, 2008

Forgiveness and Love

I strongly believe these two elements go hand in hand. One without the other is not possible. It is needed to co-exist. A friend of mine wrote a note about "Love" a few days ago and she opened up a whole big debate for her friends. I too gave her my two cents worth. Somehow no one commented about love means forgiving.

Love for me is not that rush of adrenaline and cheap thrills you get from holding hands anymore. I think many of us have grown up enough to know that is not love alone. As we get older, we come to realise that love means so much more and takes a a whole lot more from you.

Love means being able to forgive wholeheartedly, without any limitations and conditions. We are only human and bound to make mistakes. We also erupt in tempers and outbursts. We also do silly and stupid things that we know will hurt the one we love. But everything I believe happens for a reason.

We read all the time quotes and wise people saying how important it is to forgive and how forgiving will make you the better and bigger person blah blah know what I mean. This is all true. I really and truly believe it. But forgiving is not possible if there is no love.

If you do not love a person, who cares about what wrong they have done to you and how much they have hurt you. If you do not love a person there is no such thing as hurt and small heart (kecik hati lah) in your relationship. For a person to be offended, hurt and upset with somebody else there must be love in the first place. (what love is you can refer to my friend's note lah)

Then there is that other saying about forgiving and forgetting. You can forgive but you can't forget but usually you want to forget so you forgive, rite? I think I am losing my point here.

What I am trying to say is, if the person truly loves you, forgiveness will come. It is just a matter of looking for the right words and right way to say, "Hey, I was stupid. I am sorry. Forgive me. I love you still."

And if that other person doesn't forgive you, does it mean that the person never truly loved you? For me love is unconditional. With love comes many other things: trust, faith, commitment, sacrifice and compromise.

Love is something to give. Love is something to share. Love is unconditional. Love is in you. Love is what you make it to be. Love is forgiving and wanting to forget.

Love is.....


Matapena said...


Unknown said...

I think love means a whole lot of compromise....

We each have our meaning of what love is based on what we have been through/are going through in our lives