Monday, September 15, 2008

Good Morning Malaysia

This week is supposed to be quite an eventful one, politically, it seems. Many of my journalist friends are waiting anxiously for an exciting week. Well, am sure even the citizens of Malaysia are wondering if Sept 16 as promised will happen. Yup, it would be fun to watch. I have already made plans for Sept 16 and it does not include any political moves. Ebi is taking leave (rite?) and I have friends coming over for buka that day. Sounds exciting huh!

Some interesting facts were found out over the weekend. One of them involves me personally and was a bit shocking. But the confirmation will only be determined two weeks from now. Till then I must wait patiently. And agonise over it. Waiting is the worst game ever to play you know. It can wreck you on the meantime. I will try to play it cool. God help me. I need a miracle dear God. Please help me.


I have some new recipes to put up this week. This one is the most simplest of them all and loved by many, adults and kids. Masak kicap! I have tried this dish many times but it can never end up like the ones they sell at the nasi campur stalls. Must be the kicap I use that defers from them. So I will have to go through a whole lot of kicap bottles and brands before I find the right one I guess.

This recipe is from my friend Zurni:

Ingredients (for all lauk as in fish, chicken or egg):

Bawang besar Kuning - half biji dihiris
Cili merah - 1 biji (tanpa biji kalau anak tak nak pedas) dihiris serong
Halia (for Ayam/Daging) - 1 ibu jari dihiris
Tomato Sauce Maggi - 1tsp
Kicap Lemak Manis Cap Kipas Udang - for Ayam, Daging & Ikan ATAU Kicap Masin Tamin - for Telur

To cook :- (Eg. Ayam/Daging Masak Kicap)

Tumis semua rencah sampai keluar bau
Masukkan ayam(fresh, tak goreng)/daging dan gaul sehingga sebati
Masukkan kicap lemak manis about 10x tonggang (kalau tutup ditebuk) dan gaul
Masukkan sedikit Tomato sauce Maggi dan gaul
Masukkan sedikit air (quarter of a mug) dan gaul
Tutup kuali dan biarkan 10-15 mins
Buka penutup kuali dan balikkan ayam/kacau kuah dan tutup semula dan biarkan selama 10- 15mins lagi

NB - Kalau masak telur/ikan kicap, goreng ikan dulu yang telah digaul dengan sedikit garam/telur mata kerbau sebanyak mana yang nak, dan letakkan ke dalam mangkuk. Setelah selesai masak kuah kicapnya, taburkan ke atas ikan/telur tadi dan hidangkan.

This week I will also attempt to make cookies. I made about three batches last week and used my regular butter, Buttercup. But for some reason they turned out really salty which is kinda funny cause I never had that problem before using that brand of butter. Oh well....

Have a good week y'all!

1 comment:

Matapena said...

I am taking leave for your berbuka do my dear friend.

Of course, I dunno if anything else will take place... :)