Some interesting facts were found out over the weekend. One of them involves me personally and was a bit shocking. But the confirmation will only be determined two weeks from now. Till then I must wait patiently. And agonise over it. Waiting is the worst game ever to play you know. It can wreck you on the meantime. I will try to play it cool. God help me. I need a miracle dear God. Please help me.
I have some new recipes to put up this week. This one is the most simplest of them all and loved by many, adults and kids. Masak kicap! I have tried this dish many times but it can never end up like the ones they sell at the nasi campur stalls. Must be the kicap I use that defers from them. So I will have to go through a whole lot of kicap bottles and brands before I find the right one I guess.
This recipe is from my friend Zurni:
Ingredients (for all lauk as in fish, chicken or egg):
Bawang besar Kuning - half biji dihiris
Cili merah - 1 biji (tanpa biji kalau anak tak nak pedas) dihiris serong
Halia (for Ayam/Daging) - 1 ibu jari dihiris
Tomato Sauce Maggi - 1tsp
Kicap Lemak Manis Cap Kipas Udang - for Ayam, Daging & Ikan ATAU Kicap Masin Tamin - for Telur
To cook :- (Eg. Ayam/Daging Masak Kicap)
Tumis semua rencah sampai keluar bau
Masukkan ayam(fresh, tak goreng)/daging dan gaul sehingga sebati
Masukkan kicap lemak manis about 10x tonggang (kalau tutup ditebuk) dan gaul
Masukkan sedikit Tomato sauce Maggi dan gaul
Masukkan sedikit air (quarter of a mug) dan gaul
Tutup kuali dan biarkan 10-15 mins
Buka penutup kuali dan balikkan ayam/kacau kuah dan tutup semula dan biarkan selama 10- 15mins lagi
NB - Kalau masak telur/ikan kicap, goreng ikan dulu yang telah digaul dengan sedikit garam/telur mata kerbau sebanyak mana yang nak, dan letakkan ke dalam mangkuk. Setelah selesai masak kuah kicapnya, taburkan ke atas ikan/telur tadi dan hidangkan.
This week I will also attempt to make cookies. I made about three batches last week and used my regular butter, Buttercup. But for some reason they turned out really salty which is kinda funny cause I never had that problem before using that brand of butter. Oh well....
Have a good week y'all!
1 comment:
I am taking leave for your berbuka do my dear friend.
Of course, I dunno if anything else will take place... :)
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