I have been a patient of SJMC since I came back from the States in 1995. I found a gynae I liked and also a paedi for the kids which we are all comfortable with.
Last night when I started having minor contractions due to leftover tissue from the miscarriage, we figured better get to the hospital quick before the pain got unbearable as in another experience.
When I we got to the Emergency Room they wheeled me in on the wheelchair to the bed. Nurse did the routine temperature and blood pressure check and asked me what's wrong and so forth. I was waiting for the Dr to attend to me (he was giving this guy next to me 3 stitches cause he fell down three steps!) and in pain while blood was oozing out. I was getting uncomfortable so I told the nurse I want to get cleaned up. She just said the toilet is there. When I got to toilet, everything left over (including the "uri") came out into the toilet bowl.
I came out and told them what happened, they didn't even feel bad that it happened in the toilet where I was on my own. I was in pain shouldn't the nurses in the first place tell me they will clean me up and attend to me. No, I had to do it myself!
So when the Dr came to me at last, I told him what happened. Told him the pain is gone I want to go home now. I was upset that they didn't even bother! The best part of this story is when it was time to go home and Bob had paid the bill, he just came to get me and we walked out of the ER without a single person seeing to us. I also didn't get that wheelchair privilege again. Bob walked me to the car himself!
Oh ya ... Bob paid RM140 for me to lie in the bed and cry by myself and go to toilet! Ok lah give some face that we paid for services in case anything happened I was in the hospital rite! ( you buying this line cause I ain't)
I went to see my gynae at SJMC just now and I complained to her. She was shocked too. The thing is it was not crowded there last night and the other two patients only required stitching cause of cuts. Like going to Government hospital kan. One would expect more from them. But there have been complaints about the "coldness" and "aloofness" of SJMC staff and their service.
Anyway, am going there again tomorrow. And please forgive any "unsettling" details of this story.
OMG! u shld write to the mgt. don't let them get away with it. what if there's infections later (from the toilet experience). Ths is too much for anyone!
yes, or write in to newspaper's letters page..baru they all sedar diri
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