Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ikan Masak 3 Rasa

This is a favourite dish of many people I know and my friend Oleen shared her recipe with us:

ikan kerapu or bawal goreng with tepung

For the gravy:
bawang besar hiris
cili api, hijau and merah hiris halus (pakai chopper lagi senang)
oyster sauce
kicap pekat
kicap lemak manis
sos tomato
and the most important ingredient is daun ketumbar banyak-banyak
gula secukup rasa
taburkan ke atas ikan yang telah digoreng

Selamat Berbuka!


Matapena said...

That's it... please arrange the buka thing fast! :)

quoi? said...

woit! aku tengoh poso lo eh, jang.. :)))