Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Latest on Baby Blues

Alhamdullillah I have passed the first trimester and am going into my 4th month. The morning sickness which starts in the morning and ends when I lay my head down at night has subsided and I only suffer in the late afternoons to nights now.

Of course that is on a good day! On other days, it just stays bad the whole day. But Sherie commented that I don't look as sickly as before and generally I do feel a bit better. I am also up for travelling now I guess and it will start with the exodus balik kampung next week.

School holidays start next week althought there are already days "but we do nothing in school all day so we would rather stay home". Suits me just fine cause I don't have to worry about shuttling them back and forth.

This is the last scan of the baby at 12 weeks and 6 days. The good doctor pointed out the head, a nose and arms and legs.
My next check up is just around the corner, before we balik kampung. Oh ya! We are also going to Krabi after Raya Haji. Can't wait ... just for a change of scenery and I can taste the sweet chocolate and banana pancakes!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Coming of the End

Good to know the school holidays are just around the corner. Honestly, I cannot wait. I like waking up in the mornings, it's good gto be up and about early but I don't like having to rush. As in, get breakfast, get your homework, do your hair, get your socks and what not. And having to make sure they get to school on time. Throughout the day having to look at the clock to make sure I am not late to pick them up or to send the second one to school.

With the start of these holidays also means the end of the two session school year for me. Right now I have one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Next year both will be in the morning session. Which would be less strenuous on me but more agonising in the mornings as Nadiah is a late riser.

Whatever it is, I am looking forward to the end of this term. I feel very drained and I guess going through my first trimester was not very easy either. I am going into my fourth month now but don't feel much better than I did last month. When I was expecting Ali, I was like this too, sick most of the time. Maybe its a boy then, is the easy conclusion!

I should actually write a journal about going through a pregnancy. Thought about it a few times but as you can see nothing has materialised out of it. Will keep toying with the idea and see how it goes. Sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

1st Scan

It has been a long time since I have opened this site .. bit too long I think but simply because I have been feeling so out of it. It would be simple if it was just morning sickness but alas I am sick throughout the day. Not sick like vomitting but sick like mouth taste terrible etc.

I have been meaning to put this scan pix up and finally have got around to doing it today. This scan was taken when the baby was about 9 weeks old which was about 3 to 4 weeks ago which mans I should be about my 12th week now.

My next check up will be in 2 weeks time and hopefully all will be well. I am eating as best I can and trying to get as much rest as I can. The truth is all I wanna do is sleep anyways ...have to push myself to get out of bed and to do much of anything else either.

I don't remember being this bad when I was carrying Ali but maybe because I was working and had to go to work. I also had to do the kids going to school thing. Now I am lucky cause Bob has a driver and he is able to do the transporting to school whenever he is free. That helps a lot especially since am so out of it.

Well, will keep you posted on the next check up!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tooth Fairy Got Caught

The tooth fairy has been found out! I don't know what Nadiah was doing in my room but she found a tooth which means I have been busted!! She asked me what is this tooth doing here and I said ...maybe it dropped but huh .... not good enough an explanation so I just laughed.

They didn't seem that surprised but maybe just a little disappointed that their fairy tale was busted so soon. Well, it was good while it lasted .....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Khalif Sucks his Thumb!

My nephew Khalif is nine months and oh so cute ... he has taken to jumping up and down and loves it! Very much like his father at that age. He has such soft brown hair and soft white skin and his legs .... oooo ... little drumsticks!

This is Khalif and Murni, and he is such an attention seeker, always looking for his mommy now. He can sit up pretty steadily and he has even taken to rushing for the same toys Ali is holding. I can't wait to see him moving around on his tiny feet.
And the nost shocking thing is, he sucks his thumb just like Nadiah! After every feed, he will stick his thumb in his mouth and suckle a little before he starts jumping again! Makes me wonder where all this thumb sucking started in the first place.
The dilemma I am faced with now is how to get her to stop! She will be 8 in a few weeks time and still loves her thumb so much! Murni even scared me with a story of her sis who sucked until her teen years. Yikes!

Najihah couldn't get enough of Khalif, she finds him so adorable and cute. Bet she can't wait till he is a little bigger and she can play with him. By that time, she will have her little own baby brother or sister too. Hmmmm ...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

In Life and Death

Today is the 8th day of Syawal and many things have happened this week. First and foremost, it has been a very hot week! Ramadhan was much cooler with lotsa rain and cloudy skies.

The saddest news is that my uncle passed away yesterday morning. He had a cardiac arrest about one half months ago and was recovering in IJN before they moved him to GH. After awhile, the doctors said there was no more hope and he was taken off the life support machine. Yesterday he went away peacefully and I think the pace was good as all family members were prepared. But prepared as you are there is no way to express the loss felt.

When I was carrying Ali, 3 years ago, my youngest uncle died of cancer. My aunty also passed away on my birthday this year with cancer. This time that my uncle passed away I am carrying another child. There is the relation between life and death. God giveth some and he taketh some.

It was a sad occasion at the graveyard yesterday. All the relatives were wishing each other Selamat Hari Raya amidst tears and looks of sorrow. Everyone was gathered to pay their last respects to my uncle and bid his family well but in the end, the man is left all alone in that grave, waiting for the angels to come.

Death is a very sad thing ... but it is inevitable. It comes no matter what, it is just a matter of when. Only God knows that. They say we must celebrate life when we have it and at the same time religion teaches us to work for the hereafter as that is permanent. It is up to each of us to find that balance and make sure that our life here does not forget what comes after, which is the ultimate.

Even in death we celebrate the living, We visit and attend tahlils to extend our prayers to the dead and to extend our hands to the living in hopes that their burden of losing that loved one is eased. I have suffered losses although not of immediate family but of uncles and aunties and of course grandparents.

I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose my mother or father or anyone else closer to me. I cannot imagine how I would take it and accept it. Life deals us the cards and it is up to us to take those cards and play them. To make them work the best for us. God has given us this life and it is up to us to play it the best way we have been taught. I hope and pray we are playing our cards right.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hari Raya is here ....

The Hari Raya balik kampung exodus began last night for many. Today will be more hectic I assume since they closed schools today to allow parents ample time to bring their families home for the Eid holidays. I expect that Saturday will be even more terrible on the highways with families rushing home at the last minute.

What about me then? Which part of the crazy team am I? Well, I am here in my room in Ara Damansara. I confirmed that I was expecting early this week then a few days later had some light spots. Told my gynae about it and she suggested bed rest. We cancelled our balik kampung plans and will most likely spend Hari Raya here. This will be a first for me as I have never ever spent it here. Before I got married it was always in Taiping and after marriage it was in Bukit Mertajam.

I have always wanted to spend it here, cause I heard that the city is really nice and quiet so I guess this is my chance. Of course my mom and mom-in-law are sad that we can't come back. They want to see their grandkids more than anything of course. Well, some things will just have to wait!

In a way, it would be good to be here. For a change and don't have to go through that stress of making everyone happy by being at so many places at one time. Hahahaa ... know what I mean. This way, no party can get upset with you. Bob was saying that he may take the kids back just for a day to Bukit Mertajam. Oh well ... now that means I will be here all alone. Wonder what that would be like! GULP!

I know some of my friends will be spending Raya here. I even have cousins who spend Raya here if I am up for bed rest how do I get around then. Hmmmm ....

Anyways, Selamat Hari Raya to all my friends. Minta maaf zahir dan batin....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cookies for Fun

I finally found the energy to make cookies with the kids and what an experience it was with little Ali. He was literally all over the place. But amidst shouts of "Ali, NO!" we managed to bake 3 types of cookies. The first 2 taste mych better than the last one I baked. The last one I baked was taken from a Malay recipe book ... you know how every cookie just taste the same with only a small variation in between ...well, that's how it tasted I guess.

The girsl had a fantastic fun time though and I am glad. After all, it was an activity for the kids too. Bob took some great shots of Ali making a mess but have not had time to download it yet. He was eating all the chocolate chips instead of putting it as decor for the cookies! And he insisted the pump to cream out the cookies was a gun of some sort. It was quite funny to see him threatening us with it.

Exactly 5 days left of the Ramadhan and it is taking its toll on me. Am tired but for a reason (shhhhh..., will tell at another time). The two girls have not missed a day yet except for Nadiah today. She was getting ready for school and insisted that she was hungry. So of course I let her break fast and off she went to school happily.

Let's see how the remainder of the days go ...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It has been a good week with the kids being away from school. At least I don't have to worry about H1N1 all the time and making sure they have those surgical masks on their faces all the time.

This evening I saw the Health Minister on TV during the news hour and he was speaking about H1N1 but you know what! I just could not concentrate on what he was saying. He was talking so slowly and his droning on and on was ... well, boring! Which is sad because I am sure he had important points to get across. Not sure if it was him or what but maybe reporters, TV ones especially, should take more effort when they are editing. Instead of showing every word the man is saying, what is wrong with giving key words or shorter excerpts. Like a rap! hahahaha ....*wink*

Am just wondering what is the best way to make it more appealing to listeners thats all. This may also count as ranting. Guess I will just have to read the papers about what he said tomorrow.

This morning's newspapers was even more sad, there was an article on H1N1 and I haven't seen one of importance in awhile. This was quoting our DPM and he was saying it is up to schools if they want to ask kids to wear masks or not. Is that really the news??? DUH! I am sorry if the reporter and the editor who thought that was the news feel offended. But honestly, is that really what parents want to hear!

WHO has called this a world pandemic and they worry about wearing masks or not. I mean I know that is an important deterrent (some doctors say otherwise) but isn't there more earth shattering news to share!

Cest La Vie ...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Holiday Again ...

I had a pleasant surprise yesterday when the girls told me there will be no school next week except for Friday because of the UPSR exams. Monday is a public holiday cause of Nuzul Quran and it will continue to Thursday until after the exams. They only go back to school on Friday. And that would only be for a week as the week after that would be the Hari Raya break already.

Which means these past few weeks and the whole of September is filled with holidays. Yeaaahhhh! Just too bad we can't go off for a holiday because it's the fasting month. But at least the girls won't be too tired cause they are fasting and they have no school. The other question is, how do I fill up their time when they have those few days break!

It would be a good time to get started on the cookies for one. The girls can be quite helpful in the kitchen until of course they get bored and start making a mess. Ali will be of help too as he loves messing around in the kitchen. Don't know how much of the cookies I can actually get going with all these extra "help" but it's worth a try. Besides, it's the fun in it all!

So here is to a great weekend and a better week ahead. See if we could actually go off for a holiday we would have 6 whole days. DAMN!

Good luck to my nephew and others sitting for the UPSR. All the best ...!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Doing Well

It has been a rather hectic week since school started but am glad for the busy schedule cause time flies by faster. From the time I get up for sahur till it's time for break fast, time is like a whirlwind.

Am very proud of my two girls cause they have not missed a day yet of the Ramadhan. Of course the first few days were harder but by the 13th day today, they have more or less gotten used to it. I suppose this is made easier by the fact they had the school holidays to start fasting.

I was a bit worried when school started on Tuesday that they would not be able to take it but so far so good. Of course there are desperate cries of I am so hungry and oh so thirsty but they have not broken half day or anything.

The school week these past two months is short too! A week before the school holidays last month, school closed for a week due to cases of H1N1 which means the girls had 2 weeks off. This Monday is a public holiday and it will continue to Thursday because of the UPSR exams.
Than it would be a week of school only before the one week Hari Raya Aidil Fitri break.

The good thing about all these breaks is that the girls can fast easily without too many cries of hunger and thirst as they will not be too tired from school. Must also say that God has blessed us with cool weather so far this Ramadhan, making it easier on his Ummah!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Desserts Galore ...

I had break fast with my mom last night and came back very full, as usual lah when you eat at your mom's place! Last night's event was made more memorable cause two of my aunties and two of my cousins came too.

We had Mak Itam and her daughter Sarah as well as her grandkids Ameera and Kristen. We had Mak Ngah and her second child Kak Hani. Kak Hani stays in London but is here cause her father had a cardiac arrest two weeks ago and is still in hospital. That's a different story.

She gave us some good news yesterday: she is coming back for good next year. She says she has had enough of living in England and wants to be with family. Infact, since her brother (who was staying in London too) got married last year and moved here, all her siblings are here.
My kids playing with their cousins after their stomachs were all full ...

This was dessert ... my aunty bought them from a place called Baker's in Ampang ... simply delicious! Aishah and I helped my mom with the bread and butter pudding. Now that I am writing this I am thinking non-stop about it! Sigh ... the falls of fasting..

It was nice to just sit and chat and eat ... share old stories and tell what's going on in our lives. It is not easy to get the whole clan together but this little dose is good enough. On the table in the big jar is the trifle my mom made, also very delicious. You are probably saying this is all dessert, what did we eat for break fast. Hahahaha ... break fast was good lah but never as good as the desserts!

From left: Mak Itam, Mak Ngah and Kak Hani. They were full but waiting for desserts!

A closer look at the desserts my aunty brought with her. The eclairs were to die for. The chocolate one used dark chocolate and I love dark chocolate so it was a real treat! Just look at the fresh cream .... yummy ...

It is very seldom that we get to buka puasa with aunts or uncles and cousins so this was a real treat eventhough the invite list was small. I hope to organise a buka puasa with the cousins but not sure if its a good time with an uncle being in hospital and all. Let us all pray for his speedy recovery.

Hope everyone is having a good Ramadhan ...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Ramadhan

Happy School Holidays Moms and Happy Fasting to everyone. I started last week and the fasting month in Bukit Mertajam. Just came back last night, or early this morning. Internet access is not very good at my mom-in-laws place so was not able to enter any postings.

We went back there last Wednesday and ushered the Ramadhan with her. My two daughters succesfully got through the first and second days and I look forward to many more days before the school session begins next week.

Najihah and Nadiah surprised me by being ever so RAJIN in the kitchen. Growing up young girls that I hope I can count on in the kitchen when I get older. They helped their grandmother do everything ... from chopping garlic, to tauhu to frying roti arab.

Yesterday we broke fast at my sis-in-laws place also in Bukit Mertajam and they helped out too. Infact I had to go back to mom-in-laws place to pack our stuff and they wanted to stay there to help with the buka spread. What a proud mom I was!

As this week is still the school holidays, I will definitely spur on their interest by being in the kitchen today and making sure they are there to help me. I think by the end of the school holidays fasting would be a breeze for them and insyaallah they can get through the whole month.

I picked up our raya clothes during my stay in BM. Looks like we are all ready for Raya then. hahahaha ....

Plan to make some cookies this year, more for us than for guests as our cookies never look presentable enough for guests. Have too many helpers including little Ali.

Hope everyone has a good week ahead!

Monday, August 17, 2009

No School

I have declared next week a holiday for the girls from school which means they get a two week break only. This is a fluke too cause Nadiah who is in the afternoon session doesn't have school. An annoucement was made last Thursday they would close a week due to a case of H1N1.

Question: Why close only on Saturday onwards and not Friday which was the next day. Why was that Fridau so important for them to be in school.

Question: Why does the morning session still have to go to school. Even if it is a different session, isn't it the same building, same classroom etc.

I am sure many parent will not send their kids who are in the morning session either. As it is last week there were hardly many pupils in class and I suspect this week will be just as bad. Exams are over and there won't be much to miss I assume. I know it being a Chinese school there will be much the girls will miss but I doubt that is more important than their health.

My sister was telling me that in Australia, the number of cases for H1N1 was so high that they couldn't be bothered anymore about taking precautions so it is business as usual for them. In Mexico, it was just the opposite. Death numbers was rising so the Government closed down everything which resulted in a major decline in the economy. Wonder where we are ...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ali in Hospital

What a weekend I have had indeed. When I got back from Bandung last Monday my son Ali was down with the flu and a fever. I took him to our family GP on Tuesday and was given flu/cough and fever medication. His fever subsided by wednesday but on Friday his fever was back and he was so lifeless.

Of course worried I took him back to the clinic and the Dr was also worried so he asked me to take him to the hospital. Reasons being because the fever came back and Ali was weak. Ali was also in the risk group so he didn't want to take any chances.

Immediately we left for SJMC, sorry SDMC now, and that was about 7pm. The doctor here ran a blood test and results came back showing a viral fever and low blood count. Oh no .... dengue??? Yikes, Ali was admitted and I have been here since.

Tonight would be the third night at the hospital. His fever subsided already on the second day we stayed here so I was confident we could go home today but alas, doctor wanted him to stay one more day just to be sure he returns home fully recovered.

It's not dengue and I doubt its the H1N1. It is just a viral fever thank god. He was extremely active today and I think the other patients are probably cursing this noisy little boy on their floor. Today he was all over the hospital room. Silly me I didn't know there was a fridge here and Ali found it for me. Hahahaha...
Ali here is crawling the walls with boredom. He was feeling better and active!

Today was extremely funny too. My mom came back and brought Ali this little aeroplane not realising that the noise it made was really loud. Am sure the entire 3rd floor could hear it so we had to take the batteries out. We had to tell Ali it was spoilt and the little boy was really upset.

He is dying to get out of this room, everytime Bob comes by and is about to leave he would climb up and ask for a car ride. Must be dying of cabin fever my little Ali.
Hopefully the doctor will say it is okay for us to go home tomorrow. I don't think I can take another day here either. It is kinda restful being away from home, treat it like a little holiday eh ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Scare ...

I should write about this flu bug but I think all has been said about it by other bloggers. My kids school is not yet affected by it and so far there seem to be no cases of H1N1, thank god but of course you worry about it all the time. School is supposed to be a safe place not a place where you have to wear masks and worry about the kid next to you.

Try explaining it to your kids, it is not that simple to tell them why you should be extra careful and chances are they won't remember anyway cause they have been with their friends for the whole school year so how do they differentiate when it is safe and hazardous. I gave them each a mask and told them to put it on which they do for awhile and then they get hot and bothered under it. Of course the mask comes off.

Everyday I tell them to put it on especially if there is someone sick in class but you know what!?! It wouldn't make a difference lah, the mask doesn't really help. You would need to wear an authentic gas mask if you want to prevent disease. The best way is to just make sure your immune system is at its best.

We have had all kinds of disease scares but this is a pandemic which means we need to be real careful. People are dropping like flies ... ebola style. Hmmmmm ....the world is coming to an end they say. A very negative way to say it and seems like an easy way out but all the signs are there. This is God's way of saying look out perhaps.

Shopping in Bandung

I had a great weekend. A weekend that is different from other weekends. I spent it doing what I love ... Shopping! In Bandung too. Went there with 2 girlfriends and my princess Najihah. We left Saturday afternoon and came home Monday night.

From the minute we walked out of the airport, we shopped the afternoon, evening and night away. Sunday we got up really early to be at the Pasar Baru at 8am and we stayed there until about 1pm I think. Even the driver was surprised that we asked him to pick us up from the hotel at 8am, we told him we wanted to be early before the crowd. That was a very wise decision indeed. The shops were just opening when we arrived and we had a the kind attention of all shopkeepers being early and all. Our stomachs told us it was time to leave about 1pm. By that hour we were at the few topmost floors and the crowd was thin there. Making our way down was a real feat, it being Sunday the market was packed like sardines.

Lunch on Sunday was at a nice place, Kedai Nyonya. The ambience was really nice. Where are the pictures you say? I didn't bring my camera, only because I didn't want to. My intention was to SHOP not to take pictures. Hahahaha ... I left it to my girlfriends to do all that touristy stuff so if I get their pictures I will post them here. Anyway, I had this satay kambing. It was delicious. Meat, fat and meat ... cooked terriyaki style. Must have it again next time.

Some of my friends asked me why I like Bandung as they prefer shopping in Jakarta. Jakarta is bigger and the comparison would be Tanah Abang for Pasar Baru. Tanah Abang is HUGE and I think very much for the business people who intend to buy in bulk. There are more clothes at Tanah Abang wherelese I feel there are more textile shops in Bandung's Pasar Baru. That is what I bought most anyway. Other shops are the same like telekung and t shirts. There are textile shops in Tanah Abang too but the variety doesn't seem as much as in Bandung. Besides, Pasar Baru is smaller and you don't need to walk around as much.

There are many facttory outlets scattered all over Bandung and you can get some really sweet deals for kids' clothes. For adults, I haven't really looked cause not really to my taste but I know t shirts are a steal there. I had a chance to visit the Paris Van Java Mall and it's so so lah. I prefer the Bandung Supermall but it is a bit too far out.

We only had 2 nights in Bandung which means that doesn't give you time to sight see. Shopping alone took up most of the time. Which is a blessing in disguise I guess cause than we would need to phone home for money!

Bandung is not as congested as Jakarta, no traffic jams everywhere, at least not the few times I have been there. Jakarta is a city, like Kuala Lumpur so of course the lifestyle is different and the "activities" would be city driven - movies, karoake, clubs and fancy restaurants. Bandung is a small city -- somewhat like Ipoh so the activities are simpler. Althought my sister did say she went clubbing there and it was not that bad. Bandung has a pretty interesting art scene too and you can see artistes putting up their work along the roadside.

The weather is the best in Bandung ... cool and crisp. Not much humidity so you get less tired. It seems to have been any annual event for me the past three years. Which means I must go again next year!

Friday, August 7, 2009


I realise I have not written much this week. What happened was I fell sick. Felt the flu bug creeping up on me and went to the doctor right away. He gave me this really strong stuff that knocked me out cold. All I needed was rest I guess and now I feel much better. I will be off to Bandung tomorrow till Monday. Going with some girlies for some pre raya shopping. This means that I don't get anymore raya shopping money for hubby so better spend well there. hehehehe ...

Take care babes ...

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Part to Play

Have you ever taken some time to wonder what is happening to our country, to our world and to our lives in the long run. Have you ever taken the time to think how we can help make this world and this place we call home a better place. I am sure we all (at least I hope you do) cringe and sigh in disbelief at half if not all of the things that take place these days. You name it and it is happening. All too scary for me.

Crime. Black magic. Dirty money. Irresponsible civil servants. Corrupt corporate sector. Hate. Distrust. Pollution. Disease. Am sure there is much more but that is all I can think of for starters.

Of course we all want a better place for ourselves, for our kids, for our families and for our loved ones. I am also very sure all of us is doing a part to keep these things from affecting our quality of life. But how much do we do is enough! I ask myself that all the time, if I am doing my part to help my earth, to help my people and to help my country.

Sometimes it seems futile and whatever we try to do gets lost and drowns in the sea of good deeds cause there is so much bad and evil out there already. It is not like Hollywood movies where the good wins over the evil in the end of the day. It seems like however much good we do to try to make things better, it gets even more lost. For our good to fight the evil we have to join forces and be united. But it ain't that easy ... I can see that.

But I really hope that this little bit that I am doing will eventually pay off. Ya, it might not mean much when I am the only household along my street that recycles everything but I pray that it will eventually and others will play their part. I assume one person doing it is better than none.

That is only the tip of the iceberg of what we have to do to make this place a better home. Michael Jackson sang about these things before ... Man In The Mirror I think says a lot.

Let's all look in the mirror and ask ourselves these questions.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


What would you do if I sang out a tune da di da la di da We could try with a little help from our friends, yes we could try with a little help from our friends ....

Can't remember all the lyrics but that is the song going through my mind this morning. I believe with friends you can achieve so many things and do so many more things. What would life be without friends? Lonely of course ... and sad don't you think. All you would have are your family. I am not saying that family is not good enough but you still need friends.

Family are always there and there may be times you take them for granted. Chances are they also have their lives to deal with. For instance once a sibling gets married and has kids, they would probably spend more time with their spouse and their kids. Which means less time for brother or sister which they used to be rather close with.

Yet it is important to maintain that closeness and you could do this through phone calls or smses. And perhaps catch up once in awhile.

I forgot the point I was going to make when I started this story so ... I think I will stop here!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby Shower Pixs

Here are some more pictures from the baby shower, courtesy of my friends on my facebook!
This bottle is the door gift. If you take the baby bear out you can use it for a piggy bank but I have put mine up on the shelf ..

An occasion would not be the same if we do not take group photos, this one reminds me of school days and how we loved to pose for the camera. Guess some things just don't change!
This is the jelly cake I told you about ... isn't that baby so cute!

We were all so anxious waiting for Elo to arrive so of course we passed the time by taking picture after picture after picture ....

We had real fun playing games, I think we played 5 games and we were all so tired out after them!

Will get you more pictures later!

Baby Shower Anyone?

It has been a rather hectic week for me which explains why I did not write anything last week. But I must share with you what happened to me (and my girlfriends) last Saturday. A good friend of ours, Raja Elona, is expecting her 2nd child and the baby is due Aug 8. Elo, as we call her, stays in Jakarta but she has come back here to deliver her baby.
The beautifully set table .... the theme colour was blue and white
The beaming mother to be, my friend Elo ...
Shake ordered these really pretty cupcakes that looked too good to eat. Check out how Elo, Zurni and I are drooling over them. They had this very intricate handword done , amazing how art farty a person can be! And they were delicious too

One for the album ...
Two of my friends, Shake and Jami, had decided we surprise her with a baby shower. When we first heard the idea we were wondering what it was all about as it was a totally new concept to us. But these two friends convinced us it woukd be a hit and we went along with it.
Infact, these two friends planned everything and what planners they were. We held it at Oleen's house in Kelana Jaya and Shake and Jami did the place up so nicely it looked oh so cool! And as sweet as ever, it was like walking into a nursery. From the balloons to the decor, such as confetti, and the table setting ... it was all so pretty. I am sure all of us were wishing we could have one for ourselves next!

We had to tell Elo we had an AGM for SISTA and she was prompt as always. She opened the door and we all yelled SURPRISE!!! I loved the look on her face, she was so shocked she didn't really know how to react. Then she finally got a look around the room to see the balloons (which said BABY SHOWER on them), the decor and the presents. But I think it onyl finally sinked it a few minutes later.

We had so much fun cause there were games ( imagine us 37 year olds playing games) but it was oh so much fun. Shake and Jami even hired a pro photographer and I can't wait to see the pictures.

The best surprise of all was that Shake told us to wear white tops and blue jeans so that the mom-to-be (who she assumed would be wearing a colourful blouse) would stand out. What a surprise for us cause Elo came in a white top and blue jeans too. It looked like we were all in uniform!

There were cupcakse (SO PRETTY!!!) and lots of other food that we could not finish eating even we stayed there the whole night. A jelly cake with a baby on top, nasi dagang, spaghetti and I can't remember what else.

Shake and Jami even had door gifts for us. And each game we played we received presents too. So nice ... like being a kid again.

I had a blast and I am glad Elo did too. And happy she liked all our presents too! All the best Elo and good luck come Aug 8!

There are Blogs ....

I guess blogs are a good way to wish your friends and relatives Happy Birthday. They are also a good way to express yourself especially when you can't say it anywhere else or any other way. I am trying to think back why I started this blog and it was due to a friend, a very good friend, who insisted I do it as a way to document my life. This friend always insisted that I was a good writer and I had churned out some good thoughts on paper in the past. Hmmm, I dunno about that but what I can say is, since I started the blog it has been an avenue for me to say things that otherwise would never be heard, what more written.

There are people who write utter nonsense in their blog, there are also people who use it to sell whatever merchandise they might want and there are also people who use their blog to exercise that freedom of speech. I like the latter as it is fun, entertaining and highly educational (?) to read their blogs. It is always interesting to see and read what people have to say and how they say it. I don't really like blogs that put anyone or any organisation down, that can get a little wee bit too personal and even harsh. It is however comforting to know there is such a thing as freedom of speech then. Then again, didn't I read somewhere that the Government was monitoring certain unruly blogs. AHAKS! Freedom of speech, does it exist then!

In view of all this, I guess I must once again say thank you to this friend for pushing me to start this blog. You know who you are ... thanks babe!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Everything Comes in Threes ...

What a day it has been, guess all I can see Thank God It's Friday (?????) Then again not sure if there is any significance to that.

My morning started as usual, I sent Najihah to school and came home to get Nadiah ready for KAFA. Nadiah has been sick for the past few days -- a fever and tonsils. The fever has been infectious, of course, and Ali was feverish last night and this morning. After I sent Nadiah for KAFA, Ali and went about the usual routine -- making the beds etc. Oh wait! Forgot to say I found our kitten dead on the street, hit by a car. Poor Ali, he did seems a bit traumatised, or disturbed is a better word I think. He has been repeating it the whole day : "Ngeow Dead Car" Hmmmmm ...

Anyways, when I opened the doors to let Ali play outside on the verandah this morning, he stepped on a bee and was stung: "Owww Bug Mama" Tried to take the sting out but couldn't find any. The maid taught me a trick, to take any flower and smother the sting with it. It seems to have worked.

Halfway through the morning my handphone rang. "It was Najihah crying, Mama I have a headache it's very bad, please come and get me" Of course I rushed to school cause it must have been really bad for her to call. It's the first for her. Took her to the clinic and yup, she has a fever.

So here I am at home with Najihah who is sick and Ali who is bordering a fever and had a bee sting. Nadiah has gone to school after being absent for 3 days. Her tonsils are still a little swollen but her fever has subsided.

We found a big bee hive outside the house and the pest control people are coming to take it down tonight at 8pm. It has to be done at night so they can't find their prey. Which means we have to everyone out at 8pm later. My mother in law is on her way here as I write so I have called my sis-in-law to say we will have dinner at her house while the pest control folks do their work!

Let's see what the weekend has in store! How much more exciting can it get ...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kids in Janda Baik

When I went up to Fraser's Hill with my friends last weekend, Bob took the kids to Janda Baik. We have a friend who owns a beautiful sprawling bungalow there. It is by the river and a really nice place to chill. He has a homemade lake where you can go boat paddling too.

The kids love the river and we have even camped out there a few times. It is really cool at night and almost freezing in the morning. I remember one time we were camping out but we had to run into the house in the middle of the night cause it started raining too hard.

Ali as usual, loved being there as the pictures show. He loves the water now and also the camera!

This is our neighbour, Cikgu Rahman, obviously trying to catch some fish into his net. Not sure if he was succesful though ..

I like this picture best, Ali chilling with Bob up at the house. I like the way their positions are about the same. Ali follows everything his father does these days. Must be careful what Bob does I guess!

The water must have not been so cold cause the girls don't look like they are freezing here. But then again, they don't look so wet either!

Ali all decked out in his swimsuit ... looks a bit forlon though. Maybe missing his Mama?!?

I love these pictures and the happy faces of the kids. Even kids need some time out and a chill break huh!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's With the Haze

The haze is like Hari Raya and puasa, it is an annual event. We have been living this way for years now. Instead of waiting anxiously for the festive season, we now wait anxiously for the haze.

Where is it? Shouldn't it be here by now? It is late isn't it this year. Hahahaha ... We know it is an annual happening and yet nothing can be done about it by our Government or the Indonesian Government. If I remember, there were bilateral talks about this to curb it last year, or was it the previous year. Wonder what happened. For that matter, I can't even remember the conclusions of that meeting.

We can discuss so effectively about maid issues, why can't we discuss about this haze problem and reach a definite conclusion. Doesn't the Indonesian Government realise the impact on the world. Not their community but Asean countries as a whole.

It was just one day exposed to the haze yesterday and my throat feels itchy already. Nadiah has also developed a fever today so she is off from school which is not good as their exams are just around the corner.

Let's hope the haze clears up soon. Makes me miss the clean and crisp air of Fraser's very much. Such a luxury being up there.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fraser's Hill Anyone?

Friends are the best thing ever aren't they. Especially those that we have known all our lives. I have friends from all moments of my life. School, college, uni, work and family friends. But it is with my school friends that I always feel most comfortable with, probably because I have known them all my life.

Guess that is the best thing about having the great opportunity to go to one school your whole life. My school friends and I have been together since we were seven. Not many people will understand the bond we share but imagine, being together since we were seven to 17! The things we went through together, the things we shared and did together (good and bad lah!!). Of course Assunta's class of 1989 is much bigger than the circle we mix with but it is normal that we end up sticking to the same friends isn't it. It was about a year and a half ago that this certain group rekindled our friendship and since that time, we have been almost inseparable.

There were ups and downs of course, fights and laughs, but we are still together and that's the best thing ever. The thing about regrouping now at the age of 37 is that we are more tolerant of each other. We know and understand that each has their own character and we respect that. The best thing is we love each other all the same, and we can even laugh together about a certain friend's bad habits! What else are friends for right? We are here for each other and no one understands each other better.

Don't get me wrong, there is a closeness with me and friends from other circles too but growing up together makes a big difference. Am sure you know what I mean. There are times we don't even have to explain anything to each other. Even when we piss the other off, the other will understand because we know each other too well.

Before this I had never gone anywhere with just my friends but since this crazy group of Assuntarians came together, there have been food outings, get togethers for no reason, and trips without the family. Something I have come to enjoy and look forward to as time to myself.

We went up Fraser's Hill over the weekend. The last time I was there was with my folks when I was in school. Of course things looked bigger than (hahahahaha) but really it was a blast of a time from the moment we left until we sit at our computers looking at the pictures.

This is where we stayed ... it is a very nice place and the view is fantastic. Jami's hubby works at NST so we got the opportunity to book the old bungalow and enjoy its facilities. Which includes an excellent Chinese chef! Some of you may ask what do 10 girls do all that time together .... on!

We went up Saturday morning and spent the night there. Early Sundat morning, about 6.30am, we heard a loud crash and behold, a tree had fallen right across the road. Which meant we were stuck there. Cars couldn't get past. Such excitement for all of us! But of course it was cleared eventually by the caretaker and this troopers!

This is the fallen tree that also took down a powerline and telephone cables. Luckily the electricity supply was not affected. The wind that morning was really strong and this tree did not have such a thin bark.

Some of the pretty flowers in Fraser's ...

Back to the question of what we did there. From the time we left till the time we got back, all we did was EAT. We were munching and munching and munching ...

This was our last lunch there before we took the drive down the hill. Noodles and fried sotong ... and the lemon chicken was fantastic! There was Chinese style assam peda too ...

We designated a table for all our snacks which included Red Velvet Cake (in the basket), chocolates, chocolates, chocolates and junk food such as twisties (which we didn't have time to eat0 and kuaci.

This is a map showing Fraser's Hill. I think the population is really small ....but really a nice place to stay and retire too. The air is fresh and clean, and you feel healthy!

Ah ... this was the lunch that greeted us when we first arrived. Sambal prawns, sweet and sour fish, fresh vegies grown right in the garden ...

Before we went up the hill, we stopped at the famous Yik Mun restaurant in Tanjung Malim to have breakfast which consisted of noodles in every style possible and paus in all flavours ...

We passed the time up Fraser's chatting and talking (besides eating lah) and watched movies together, something we always wanted to do togethere but somehow in KL you just can't find the time. Won't tell you what movie we finished watching here but its an all time favourite of mine!

This is the 1o of us who went up there and had a really good break ...
On Sunday morning we took a morning walk and attempted going down one of the trails but were scared when we remembered the story of someone who was lost for quite some time taking one of the trails.

We also took the chance to play some Scrabble. But only two games as "chill" was the word for the weekend ... And note how the Tim Tam is right next to the Scrabble board ..
The other stuff we like doing is taking pictures ... this is a tribute to a great man, Mr Michael Jackson may he rest in peace.

A beautiful picture of my friend Hazleen ...

My friend Shake is an arty farty with the camera. Check out the spectacular view from Muar Cottage.
We took a drive down to the town on Saturday evening and walked around the town a bit. This picture was taken an the golf course ...

This is called Big Ben. If you go straight it will take you downhill back to Kuala Kubu Baru. It is the center of attraction for visitors to Fraser's

Earlier, we had tea at the Olde Smokehouse. The building is 85 years old and still well maintained.

What did we do at the Olde Smokehouse you say? EAT Scones of course. It was the best scones I have ever tasted with home made jam and the clotted cream was divine ...

We also had this Earl Grey cake which there seems to be no picture of but it was delicious!!

The scones are really a treat to have and from the satisfied look on our faces, you can only imagine what it tasted like.

In this picture is Suzana, Nikki, Shake and Sherie. The weather was really great when we were up there except for the morning when the wind was so strong that the tree fell.

I crammed 10 of us in the Alphard which is now known as Optimus Prime. We drove to town and around the hills back to Muar Cottage ...

It was a great trip, a great get-away. Something we can't very often but I know something we will always look back at with fondess. Thank you GGG for a great weekend.